Aweber is the best email marketing tool. You can get top email marketing services, and features for your business via Aweber email marketing.
You must have noticed that some top of the list restaurants or clothing brands sell their items on a relatively higher rate than the other brands. However, people still want to buy from the top ones even if the other brands are giving the same quality at a lesser rate. The same is the case with Aweber email marketing. It provides the best email marketing automation tools and other services that people buy even at higher prices due to their quality of services.
If you have a business for which you need a top-quality email marketing software, then Aweber is the top choice for you. The best thing about Aweber email marketing is, it owns all of its email delivery systems and is providing the most recent updates to its users. We are going to conduct a detailed review of Aweber email marketing. In this review, we will cover all the aspects of Aweber to make people aware of its positive and negative sides.
Following are the areas that we will cover in this review:
- Features of Aweber
- Plans of Aweber
- Pros and Cons of Aweber

Features of Aweber
Aweber is providing the top email marketing automation tools to its customers. Following is a list of features of Aweber:
- Best customer support
- Drag and drop campaign email builder
- Option to create multiple forms on each email list
- Options to create tags using link clicks
- Create automation
- Built-in reports
- Easy subscribers management
- Connect your account with other tools
- Build your own signup forms
- Provide mobile application
- Bulk email marketing
- Create an email from blog newsletters
- Split test mails
- HTML email templates
Best customer support
Aweber email marketing is providing the best customer support to its users. It is the main reason behind their favorable ratings. Aweber makes sure that the customers are highly satisfied with their work, and it ensures to sort out any type of issue that the customer is facing.
Drag and drop campaign email builder
Aweber, email marketing software, has an email builder tool. The best part about it is the drag and drop feature. It means that anyone can make a customized email with the help of its drag and drop tool even if he has little or zero knowledge in this field.
Option to create multiple forms on each email list
Many email marketing software’s allow their users to create forms on email lists. However, no one from them gives you the option to create multiple forms on each email list. Only the Aweber, email marketing tool, has the feature to create various forms on each email list.
Options to create tags using link clicks
Aweber provides you the opportunity to do personalized email marketing with the help of link clicks option. It means you can send the email and create tags for people based on the links that they click. In this way, you can increase your customer support and website traffic.
Create automation
Aweber, an email marketing tool, has the feature to create automation for emails of your choice. It means you can create some emails and set the automation tool for it so that the software itself can send the right email to the right person without your involvement or fatigue.
Built-in reports
Aweber is providing the facility to its users to create built-in reports for the users or clients. It means you can create some reports that you commonly use and save them to software, or you can use software-generated reports to send automatic replies to some specific emails to increase user satisfaction.
Easy subscriber’s management
If you are an Aweber user, then you have the option to create a list of your subscribers. The benefit of creating a list is, you can send them emails in the first place, or you can automize their links so the software will send them auto-generated mails at the time when they try to connect with you.
Connect your account with other tools
Aweber is providing the facility to the users that they can connect their Aweber email marketing account with other tools as well. It means you can connect your account with other tools like Facebook, WordPress, PayPal, and many more for your ease.
Build your own signup forms
Signup forms of business or applications have a huge impact on customers. Aweber, an email marketing tool, is providing the feature of building your own signup forms to the users. It provides many templates and an easy to use a web designer for this purpose to its users.
Provide mobile application
Aweber also has a mobile application available in the store on your mobile phone. It means that you don’t have to start your PC again and again for checking any notifications. Rather, you can connect with clients, or you can check any updates within a minute using your mobile phone.
Bulk email marketing
Bulk email marketing is a tool of Aweber email marketing that helps customers in growing their sales and profits. You can use this feature if you are an Aweber user, and you can increase your sales using autoresponders, social media, and many more services of bulk email marketing.
Create an email from blog newsletters
It is a feature of Aweber email marketing software that helps users to create automatic emails from their blog posts. It is a great way to deal with your customers without giving much time to them.
Split test mails
Split test mails are a feature to split your email list into two or more sections. It will help you to improve your emails by checking out the response of each group by sending different kinds of emails to them.
HTML email templates
Aweber, an email marketing tool, is providing HTML email templates to the users. It has more than 700 templates available, which will help the users to create the best emails for the clients in minimum time.
These are all the features of Aweber. In the next section, we will cover the pricing and plans of the Aweber email marketing tool.
Plans of Aweber
Aweber is providing three different kinds of plans to the users. These plans are:
- Monthly Aweber plans
- Quarterly Aweber plans
- Annual Aweber plans

Monthly Aweber plans
Monthly Aweber plans are divided into five different plans:
Plan 1
The first plan gives zero to 500 subscriber’s options to the users. In addition, it supports automation, segmentation, and analysis. You can get it for $19 per month.
Plan 2
The second monthly plan of Aweber consists of 501 to 2500 subscribers. It also supports automation and segmentation. You can do an analysis using this plan of Aweber. It is available for $29 per month.
Plan 3
The third monthly plan of Aweber is available to users for $49 per month. It includes 2501 to 5000 subscribers. In addition, it supports automation, segmentation, and analysis.
Plan 4
The fourth plan gives 50001 to 10,000 subscriber’s options to the users. In addition, it supports automation, segmentation, and analysis. You can get it for $69 per month.
Plan 5
The fifth monthly plan of Aweber consists of 10,000 to 25,000 subscribers. It also supports automation and segmentation. You can do an analysis using this plan of Aweber. It is available for $149 per month.
Quarterly Aweber plans
Quarterly Aweber also plans to consist of the above-mentioned five plans. The only difference is in prices. You can get the first plan for $49 per quarter, second for $79 per quarter, third for $139 per quarter, fourth for $199 per quarter, and fifth for $439 per quarter.
Annual Aweber plans
Similar to quarterly Aweber plans, annual plans also have the only difference in prices. The first plan is available for $194 per year, second for $314 per year, third for $554 per year, fourth for $794 per year, and fifth for $1754 per year.
Pros and Cons of Aweber
There are some positive and negative sides of using the Aweber email marketing tool.
Pros of using Aweber
Following are the advantages of using Aweber:
- It has the best customer service, email deliverability, and easy navigation.
- It has a user-friendly interface. Many people have given reviews that Aweber is very easy to use.
- It has the best and most easy to handle email templates that the users can use to generate their required emails.
- You can enjoy the feature of sales tracking using Aweber.
Cons of using Aweber
Following are the disadvantages of using Aweber:
- The main disadvantage of using Aweber is its high cost. Although it is providing the features that have no competitors available in the market, the prices are not way too high that many people changed their mind of using it just because of its high rates.
Aweber is the best email-marketing tool that you can use without having a second thought about it. However, the only concern about using it is its high rates.