In this new year, if you are setting a new goal to start a website. Don’t forget to learn new SEO techniques, and don’t make these common SEO mistakes. Please avoid them.
We all know about search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and how important it is to rank your website in search engine, if you are new in this field or you have started your blog in the past year. And your website does not stand as you expected due to the SEO mistakes.
Then don’t skip this article. It may help you achieve your results this new year. Good Luck in advance!
Before the start, I want to tell you about SEO. What is it, and how important is it? I know most of you know that, but many of the readers don’t know about SEO.
What is SEO?
Search engine optimization is the process of increasing the visibility of a website through organic search engine results. For more details click here
SEO Mistake 1: Headings
When we start to write a blog, start from the heading, which means the title of your blog. In most cases, people write their own blogs. Then what is the title of this blog? This is the first mistake in terms of SEO.

Always give first priority to your title. Take an example: let’s think you’re writing a blog on SEO mistakes, and your primary keyword is ” common SEO mistakes”.
So, write a fine title using your keyword, like the Top 10 common SEO mistakes.
- I think you know how important the fine-tuning title because it is just like your door name plat, visitors analyze your article seeing your heading.
SEO Mistake 2: Not Using the Meta Description
If we talk about search engine results, there is one important part that will show with the heading, which is the Meta description. In most cases, people left to write or who are using the WordPress SEO plugin set a common Meta description in the setting.

It is not good to enough how interesting your content writing skill, you must write short description of the article in meta description tags. Users are getting smarter day by day. They are not going to click on your article if they are not clear with the meta description or what you want to say in your article.
- It is my personal request to all of you not to lose your ranking only because of the Meta description.
SEO Mistake 3: Not Using Bullet Lists
Again a common mistake in content writing, do not to use bullet and number lists in breaking lines. According to the SEO readability, research bullet lists are performing very well to the user’s understanding.

In your content, you use 3 or more lists, then break them into bullet and numbered lists. You also use an attractive emoji icon in place of it. In common SEO mistakes, I personally recommend you use bullets in your articles.
SEO Mistake 4: Content Formatting
Content formatting is common terminology in the case of content writing, but mostly to the writer making mistakes in proper formatting. It is not only about the title and meta description, however, but it is also for the whole of your content and how it is properly formatted or not.

How many times do you use your keyword in content, and how many sub-headings do you have in your content? They are at their proper place, or you inserted them somewhere in the blog. In a long-term game, you must follow proper content formatting techniques. Content formatting may be common SEO mistakes, but it should be avoided.
SEO Mistake 5: Reading level

In some cases, I see writers use high-level, high-level means of words which is not easily understood by their viewers. You are a good, knowledgeable person in the topic for which you are writing a blog, but let’s consider those who have just started and read you to learn anything from you.
If you have a high level of words, then they do not understand the meaning of what you want to say. In this case, they mostly skip your blog and your bounce rate increases. Google read everything: your bounce rate increased day by day, and your search engine visibility decreased.
SEO Mistake 6: Helpful to the Reader
In writing an article, you must care about readers before you start your writing. If your content is not helpful for your readers, then don’t recommend it, and it will not convert your regular visitors.
A simple way to engage users with your blog is to play with their emotions and use emotional sentences to make sentiment with your readers.

Just like the same term plan seller companies do, they generate fear before selling their products. In your, you are selling your content to engage more visitors.
SEO Mistake 7: Work on SEO Audit
Let me want to ask a question, if you are ill then you will work or you go to your office, absolutely not. In the same case, if your site has some SEO audit issues appearing and you did not fix them, then your ranking goes down day by day.

You can use Ubersuggest tools, which are most helpful for identifying your website muskets easily. I am not promoting this. You can use other SEO tools in place of it.
SEO Mistake 8: Website Speed and Optimization
Again, your website loading speed plays a game-changer role in SEO ranking. Let’s think you write an article on a very interesting keyword and take every SEO step to improve your ranking.

Your page is ranked on Google search results, then starts the original role of loading speed. No one links slow sites. Visitors are very smart and also they have not much more to wait, people staring skipping your blog and again your site ranking goes down in search results.
Optimization is another part of this section because 70 to 90 % of internet users love to surf on their mobile devices. If your site is not optimized for mobile, then again, you lose your ranking.
If you are giving your valuable time to write a blog in any niche, then do not make common SEO mistakes. Please follow every instruction you are doing your SEO.
For website loading speed, try to buy a cloud hosting with CND, and for optimization of your website, use mobile-friendly themes as well as use AMP.
Thanks a lot for giving your valuable time to read my article; please comment on your opinion about whether it is useful for you or not.