How To Build Blog Writing Skills? – 100% Guaranteed Results

Many people nowadays start blogging on the internet because of the massive amounts of money it can earn them. You’re reading this because you probably have a blog that is not as successful as you expected, and you are looking for ways to make your blog better.

Only if you wish to see, it you will realize that there’s always room for improvement. And when it comes to blogging, the best way you can improve is by improving your blog posts. Reading this many of you might have thought, “Writing? No, it’s not my thing.” Your hungry-for-success mind might also recommend you to try unethical means but don’t forget that the benefit would be short-lived. To have a long-lasting, successful blog, you need to focus on your content.

Your content should be of high quality and genuine, and it should convey your thoughts and message to your audience powerfully and persuasively. Otherwise, poor content will not be liked by your readers, and your blog will have no success.

So what should you do if you don’t consider yourself a good writer? Don’t worry because we have gathered for you some tips you can follow to improve your writing skills. So let’s get straight into it.

How to Improve Your Blog Writing Skills?

1. Write regularly

Writing once or twice a week won’t do the job. You have to write so often that it starts coming to you naturally. Writing requires a lot of practice, just like other skills such as drawing, painting, and playing musical instruments do. Writing more frequently will help you gain confidence in yourself, even if no one reads what you write.

How to Improve your Writing Skills

2. Revise the Basics

If you are a native speaker, you might be able to write and read English fluently. You might never feel the need to think about which preposition or conjunction to use while you speak. But writing in English is not at all similar to speaking, as grammatical mistakes such as misplacing punctuation marks or changing tenses through your content might confuse your readers.

Therefore, even if you are a native speaker, you need to brush up your grammar to improve your writing skills.

3. Proofread the Content You Have Written

You will realize how much this helps when you reread your articles. You will notice missing commas, transposition errors, spelling mistakes, and other faults that were not intended. You might also write unclear ideas, and these mistakes might create a bad impression on your audience if they notice them. Although it might sound like an exhausting task, when you do find your errors you’ll be relieved you didn’t publish it before. This will also help your blog writing quality to improve eminently.

How to Improve your Writing Skills

4. Make Your Articles Short and Direct

Your articles should not be of lengths and hard to read. People will quit reading your article after just a few seconds if you keep beating about the bush and don’t be straightforward in getting your point through. Look for anything that might seem unnecessary to you and remove them while you proofread.

5. Read as Much as You Can

Believe it or not, it’s the main key if you want to know how to improve your writing skills. Reading not only improves your vocabulary, but it also shows you how to construct sentences, where, and what prepositions or conjunctions to use.

How to Improve your Writing Skills

Make reading a habit, and read daily, doesn’t matter what you read. It can be anything of interest, from novels to short stories, newspapers, and even other people’s blogs. You will learn many new writing styles, and it will also help you increase your knowledge.

6. Edit Content, Edit Structure, Edit Grammar

Divide your editing process and focus on one at a time. This will help you get more accurate outcomes.

-Content check: Read over your article and see if it makes sense. Make sure that no part of your article is hard to read or confusing.

-Structure check: Structure your content in a way that it is easier for readers to understand. Bullet points or bold headings will help your audience follow your content more properly.

-Grammar check: Your content must be grammatically correct, or it will create uncertainty for readers. Eliminate all the spelling errors; don’t just depend on the automatic spell checker.

7. Get your Articles Reviewed

Get your articles reviewed by posting them online or get a friend to read them. Then ask them their opinions about the article and what improvements can be made. You can also review the article yourself, but this might be difficult just after you’ve finished writing. Reading your article after some days will help you to judge your writing better, and you will see new ways in which you can edit the article for better reading.

How to Improve your Writing Skills

8. Develop Good Writing Practices

When you start writing, you need to find ways that help you write better and more productively, and save time while you do so.

  • Research thoroughly: You should have a vast knowledge of the topics you’re writing about. This will make your readers feel that you know what you’re talking about. They will trust what you say and visit your blog more often.
  • Make taking notes a habit: Take notes whenever you see something you can write about. This is an essential part of blogging as it will help you remember the details which you might forget later when you sit down to write.
  • Use tools that help you while writing: Bookmark tools or apps that you use to check grammar and plagiarism. This will help you work quicker and improve your blog writing.
  • Citing sources: Cite sources to let your readers know that your facts are genuine so that they can believe what you have said. This will also help you to make friends with people you cite and avoid plagiarism.

Improving writing is a skill that cannot be perfected and can only be improved gradually. But this doesn’t mean you stop trying to make improvements. Take time to write, proofread, and edit articles and make sure all the points flow from one to the other correctly. You still need to aim for a perfect article, and you will end up writing very close to perfection.

Writing is a skill that people improve throughout their lives, and not everyone is born with it. Anyone can become a good writer if they have a strong willingness to do so. If you’re persistent and patient, and you genuinely put in effort to learn how to improve your writing skills, you are sure to see the results.


I am an Indian blogger, journalist, author and entrepreneur. I am working in digital marketing and IT sector for more than 10 years.

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