How To Increase Blog Traffic

Getting good and reliable traffic on your blog is one of the main and important tasks for you. Many newbies quit blogging or leave blogging because they feel no improvements in blog traffic so in this post I am going to tell you some methods on How To Increase Blog Traffic.

Let’s Start:

Write Good & Unique Content: 

If you are using duplicate content, then I am sorry to say that you are wasting your most important time in blogging. Because Google is becoming smarter day by day.

Let me explain What happens if you write 6000 words post and someone come and just selects all and copies all things and does some modifications and paste in his blog.

I know you are full in anger. But don’t worry Google recently attach google panda in his algorithm.

So Panda ll penalizes his blog, and soon Google deletes his blog from search Results.

So Always write unique and attractive content.

Okay, I ‘ll give you a tip. Write content in which you are best like food, Google traveling there are much more subjects available. Don’t be like other be you and unique.

  1. Don’t copy
  2. Write unique content and Google increase your traffic.
  3. Google love new things for his search results.

SEO: (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO Stands for (search engine optimization). You have to optimize your blog for search engines like use attractive titles, description, and keywords.

You have to optimize your blog for search engines like use attractive titles, description, and keywords. In this way, you can increase blog traffic from search engines like Google.

You Can Read my guide to learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Write Guest Posting:

Okay, what is guest posting? Guest posting means you have to write posts for others authority blogs and they ll give you one or two (Do follow) links back to your blog. So in this way, you ‘ll get traffic from their blog to your blog. And also some of the link juice to increase your Blog rank.

How to select blogs to guest Post:

  • Search Blogs related to your niche.

Check them if they are good like check article. Like in my case I search in google (Quality blogging types blogs) for guest posting and I select first 3 blogs and then I check Blogs rankings, Writing styles, or what link they give do follow or no follow.

Nofollow means that link juice does not transfer in your blog. So simply don’t post in these blogs which giving no follows links.

  • Contact them through the contact page and write your introduction tell them you want to guest post on their blog. Further, they ll guide you.

Build Backlinks:

Backlinks are the links coming from other Sites through comments, Guest posts, Or forms. How to make Backlinks: You can make backlinks through commenting on others relevant blogs, Guest Posting, Or dictionary submission.

I have a tip for you which I use.

Follow popular bloggers in Social networks like (Facebook). Whenever they post something then go to the link and read full article then comment on their blogs that what you feel while reading.

In this case, there are Three benefits for you

  1. Your blogging knowledge increase
  2. They ‘ll help you in many things
  3. Visitor’s come to your blog through the link in your name or you provide.

Don’t Spam: It’s just a trick don’t spam their blogs with the nice post, Good post in all posts.

  1. Write comment professionally Not like a newbie.
  2. Always comment with deep thought so other ll follow your comment.
  3. Don’t spam.

Check This Post: Link Building Strategies For Beginner Bloggers

Be Active in Social:

Always posts your posts on social networks like Facebook, Twitter etc. Okay, again one more tip for you. Publish your post professionally like i see many newbies post in social with the post title and then link.

I recommended you to write at least one paragraph in which tell that what you ll learn in this post etc. Peoples surely attract in your post and visit your post. And your traffic from social ll increase.

Participate in communities:

Always be a part of communities like Google communities. In communities, you can connect with others bloggers and share your knowledge like sharing your post and help the communities.

I see communities With million Members so if they like your post according to their rules then think million or thousands ll definitely visit your blog and your traffic ll increase.

Advertise Your Blog:

The very final option is Advertise your blog. You can advertise your blog through Google ad words, Facebook Ads, And blogs advertisements. This ll help you to increase blog traffic.


So I hope with these steps your blog traffic ll increase and you ll now not going to delete your blog.

Try These methods at least 6 Months. You ll see your Blog ll rise again with new power.

Never Give up I am again saying blogging is a long term process. There is no short way to increase Blog traffic you have to hard work and be patient.

Best if luck with your blog and if ll get more ways to increase blog traffic. I ll update this post with more ways.

Your Turn

What tips can you add to this list?

How do you drive traffic to your blog?


I am an Indian blogger, journalist, author and entrepreneur. I am working in digital marketing and IT sector for more than 10 years.