You are new in SEO and don’t know about this thing then this SEO guide is for you and should give it a read.
SEO This word made many question in new bloggers like what is SEO? How To SEO? Why SEO?. Well in this SEO guide We Are going to tell you some techniques which help you to understand it.
Well, this is true without this ingredient you can’t rank your blog well and you can’t get traffic from search engines.
This SEO guide is so simple because I don’t want to make things complicated for new bloggers. If you follow these steps carefully then you can rank and sometimes can beat your competitors.
Without this, you are just wasting your time in blogging to be very frank so put your seat belt and enjoy the SEO guide.
What Is SEO:
SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process which you can use to rank higher in search engines like google and get more organic traffic.
If you optimize your site or blog perfectly then you can get a good amount of traffic from google or other search engines.
When someone searches any terms like SEO GUIDE: your optimized content ll appear higher besides other blogs or websites which are not optimized.
Why SEO is important:
Well if you really want to Become a professional blogger and want to earn something then SEO is must have the thing. Without some good SEO strategy, you can’t beat others.
To get good traffic and rank you must do some SEO tactics to increase your site or blog power.
If you not doing any SEO then google or other search engines not rank you high in search results even sometimes they ‘ll deindex all your site data.
So it’s an important thing search engines want from you and you should do it as soon as possible.
Black Hat Vs White Hat SEO:
There is two types of SEO one is called black hat SEO and other is called white hat SEO.
Black Hat:
Black Hat SEO is an illegal way to rank fast in search well I never recommend you to do these things because google or other search engines are so smart nowadays.
Also, you ‘ll be banned from search engines and Google Adsense.
But yes I can recommend you to do only for experiment purpose. 😉
Common Black Hat Methods:
- Keywords stuffing.
- Links from irrelevant high authority sites to get rank fast.
- Spamming.
- Tricking or hacking. etc
White Hat SEO:
In this SEO guide, my most methods are white hat. White hat SEO in this SEO you ‘ll follow all rules of SEO. Honestly, it takes time but results ll defiantly excellent.
Here I grab a pic from the internet which gives you more knowledge about black hat and white hat SEO.

On page SEO:
On the page, SEO is a practice which you can do with your posts or pages that ‘ll help you to get better rankings in SERPs.
Some important thing you need in on page SEO:
Your post of Page Title:
Your title should make some sense and make readers click on it. The title should look beautiful and contains your main keyword. Which you targeting. This ‘ll also help you to increase your CTR (Click Through Rate).
Take an example from this guide title that how I write this that making you click on it. 🙂
Meta Description:
First, think what I need to write look at your post title or take someone description example your meta can be seen on google and most readers click after reading your meta description.
Your meta description also looks good and catchy and contain your main keyword.
Keywords in the post:
In the first 100 or 150 article, you have to mention your keyword 2 or 3 times. This ll help Google or others to crawl your blogs.
Permalink of Post:
Your permalink should SEO optimized and good looking like in 2 or 3 words. Take a look in this set guide permalink I make it very short like I took my keyword and write 2 or 3 words.
Permalink help googles to rank you high or low. So consider making your permalinks good and short as much possible you can.
Website Speed UP:
Your blog load time is one of the important roles is SEO because google nowadays gives some more boost in fast loading blogs.
You should read this one of my guide (How To Increase WordPress Speed ) in this guide I mention some of the important steps you can do to increase your WordPress blog speed.
Best WordPress Plugin for On page SEO :
There is a plugin called Yoast which makes easy for you to do on-page SEO. Like this plugin, ll tell you what you need to do with your posts to get good search rankings.
This plugin put a box below every your posts in WordPress editor. Which show you that what you need to add to your post to make them more SEO friendly.
Well obsessively its a tool so don’t depend on it completely but in many cases it’s beneficial.
Keyword Research:

Keyword research work like a backbone for all online blogs. If you don’t know that what keyword you should target then you can’t rank high in search results.
It’s like fire in the hole without any target to fire 😛
So better you search for good keywords with low competition. One of my friends writes this awesome guide for you in which you can learn how you can find good keywords with low competition.
How To Do Simple Keyword Research:
Let me tell you some basic things to get good keywords.
Well, I love Semrush For this task you just need to analyze your top 10 competitors then see in which keywords they are ranking.
Write more quality content and target those keywords. Easy Nah :p
Here is a quick video of simple keyword strategies from legends of blogging First is Neil Patel founder of kiss metrics and many other projects And second is Brian Dean founder of
Neil Patel Telling how to do keyword research in less than 60 seconds:
Brian Dean Telling 5 untapped keyword research strategies:
Link Building:

Google or other search engines love to see the reference from other sites to your sites and give you more boost to your blogs.
Backlinks work like votes from other ranked blogs that yes this blog is good that’s why I mention here.
Consider getting a good number of do follow links from other blogs and you are good to go. Why do follow because then you ‘ll get some link juice from that blog which will help you to rank high.
There are different methods to get links.
- Guest posts.
- Commenting.
- Site Submission.
- Forum participation. etc.
Here are my link building techniques you should read.
If you are in a mood of buying links because you don’t want to work hard to get some links that do visit links management site to buy some links but I suggest you to never buy links for your brand long-term blogs.
Only buy for some of your small blogs.
Use Of SSL Certificate:

Well, all know that SSL is now a ranking factor by Google means if your site runs with SSL certificate that you ‘ll get a good boost in SERPs.
Google gives importance to https enables blogs besides HTTP.
Free Vs Paid SSL:
There are two types of SSL one is paid and one free but I ‘ll recommend you to buy a paid SSL for your blogs if you are running an eCommerce blog.
Because paid SSL give more security to blogs and to visitors. Also sometimes free SSL not open in old browsers like opera mini or other.
Paid SSL has more power and gives you more boost in SEO.
Bad Practice In Terms Of SEO:
In this portion of SEO guide, We are going to tell some common mistakes made by new bloggers and think that that’ll work for them. This portion is not to demotivate you but I hope that’ll help you to fix this.
Duplicate Content:

One of the worst thing in SEO of starters that they start copying other blogs and think that they ‘ll rank high but you are in dream brothers. This is future and thing are now changed you need to write your own content if you really want success.
Google every day making changes and now that algorithm is now live means if you copy someone article you ‘ll never index by google or other search engines.
This one of the bad practice in terms of SEO. If you really want others to love your blogs then start writing your own unique articles and start researching what people need to read.
I ‘ll give the guarantee that your SEO ‘ll improve and you ‘ll see huge growth in your rankings and traffic.
Never ever copy someone be yourself and make other proud of you.
Honestly, let me tell you in my starting days I also copy and that was my big mistake. There are a couple of my blogs banned by Google and also in blogger, they deleted by Google.
Grab a cup of tea and write your own articles.
Best of luck
Keyword Stuffing:
Well, keywords in an article is a good thing which helps google the crawl your posts and give you best place in SERPs but some bloggers try to put main keywords in post 20 to 30 times and think now they ‘ll get good rankings but let me tell you something.
There is plenty called over optimizing plenty this plenty commonly target those blogs which over optimized and cross their limits in terms of SEO. You should make a strategy to implant your SEO keywords.
A good guide by Neil from kiss metrics explains all thing about Over optimizing blogs.
This is one of the common and bad methods to create some backlinks for your blogs. In this method, some new bloggers approach some irrelevant or relevant blogs and start commenting with their links and think that that’ll help them to rank fast in SERPs.
Usually, they create backlinks for their event blogs from which they want to earn some good money.
Yes, you can use this method for your small event blogs but I don’t recommend you to do this for your main long-term blog. Event blogs usually created for some months after events they ‘ll become useless. The only target is to get some good traffic and money.
But in so terms it’s one of bad practice and ll defiantly penalize your blog.
Make a strategy to get some high-quality links from other blogs but relevant.
If you implant all these SEO guide methods than We are sure that you blog ll rank fast and probably you ‘ll start getting a good amount of traffic from search engines.
We hope you like it and enjoyed. I love to see your comments in below comment section that how much SEO knowledge you get from this simple SEO guide.
Little more tip for you:
Research on a search engine or from Facebook that what think people need to read on your blog.
Write and optimized it for search engines.
You ‘ll defiantly rank fast.
Lastly best of luck with your blog and wish you more traffic and good rankings in SERPs. 🙂