SEO Steps That Can Get Your Website Into Trouble – 100% True

Search engine optimization has changed by leaps and bounds in the past few years. Today, you need to focus on many tactics to generate traffic. Improving your search engine rank is not an easy task. Some of the oldest and most traditional methods may not work anymore. In fact, some techniques can do more harm than benefit.

It is important to stay away from these SEO steps. If you are keen on maintaining a good record with search engines like Google, you need to stay away from these tactics. With this being said, here are a few SEO tactics that are bound to get you into trouble.


Investing in Paid Links

To begin with, you are bound to come across paid links. In the early days of optimization, many marketing agencies were tempted to buy links. They believed that links could be used to build a stable network. As a result, client websites can be boosted and given a better online presence. Tips on How to Promote Your Content on Pinterest

The tactic is definitely fishy. And search engines like Google can raise a penalty for such moves. Above all, users have the smartness to judge links that are organic and paid. If this is your only way of gaining traffic, you are likely to shut down.

Stuffing Content with Keywords

Before the Panda Algorithm was introduced by Google, many web content developers had the freedom to engage in keyword stuffing. As suggested by its name, this is where chosen keywords and key phrases are used extensively on the web page. Keyword stuffing can reduce the overall quality of your work. Most search engines reduce the ranking of websites that are stuffed with keywords.

When you choose to post content on the internet, you need to be aware of keyword density. Ensure that the keyword density is maintained within acceptable levels. In the long run, keyword stuffing will remove your website from search results.

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Sabotaging SEO

Gone are the days when search engines didn’t have algorithms to identify malware, poorly built links and stuffed content in websites. These elements can sabotage the true impact of SEO. In fact, your website can land you in lots of trouble.

As mentioned previously, SEO has improved drastically in the past few years. Now, you have many sophisticated algorithms that can detect SEO sabotage. If your site encourages SEO sabotage, you are likely to be removed from search engine results. For a very long time, your website will not appear on any search engine results page. And this can be a big loss for your business.


Misleading Clients

Last but certainly not least, misleading clients can reduce your online traffic by a great percentage. By definition, misdirection happens when the content in your website doesn’t match the actual purpose. Every web page needs to have a purpose.

It could be anything like a Contact Us form, an E-Commerce page, or an About Me section. When you build content, ensure that it matches with the actual purpose of the page. If there is misdirection, your website will be blacklisted by search engines.


I am an Indian blogger, journalist, author and entrepreneur. I am working in digital marketing and IT sector for more than 10 years.

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