Netlify is a web development platform that multiplies its developer’s productivity. it is unifying the elements of the modern CMS like WordPress, from local development to advanced edge logic, Netlify enables a faster path to much better websites and apps performant, secure, and scalability.
How it works?
Netlify works by connecting to your GitHub repository to pull your source code, then it
typically runs a build process to pre-render all your pages in static HTML.
In a nutshell, Netlify creates its own kind of repository that pushes both to a GitHub repository
and its own microservices. Then, it executes and distributes content across a wide CDN to
deliver pre-built static websites to visitors.
The best thing about Netlify is that it selects the best CDN and distributes content, which
results in pre-built websites that load faster than on traditional hosting networks. Instead of
loading the site each time the visitor goes to a page, the visitor gets a pre-loaded version
straight from the nearest geographical server, sharply reducing load times.
That means that the resulting HTML, CSS, and JS are then deployed and distributed across a
large number of content delivery networks. When a visitor tries to access your website, it
automatically chooses the data center closest to you and serves you the static files.
- It loads page with 8x speed than other content management systems
- I OX Higher Productivity
- Netlify claims zero network outrages
- It provides you Content delivery network free for lifetime
- It is very Complex CMS for Newbies
- It Requires Good knowledge of Programming to do Edits
- Managing a huge Website could be a Headache if you are not good at programing and other technical stuff
- Creating Affiliate Post is also difficult, and it takes huge time
Paid version vs Free version:
As you can see from the heading, yes there are two versions of netlify one is paid version and free version also. You can visit the pricing link of netlify. To see all pricing for all the plans available.
If you are new to blogging field and your website does not contain any huge script that take a lot of diskspace and bandwidth to load, then the starter plan is perfect for you. If your website is subscription based, then in the starter package there is limit for 1000 user only
So, if you have been big enterprise and need to add various person to manage your business. You should at least go for pro version that will cost you 19$ per month.

How to create Netlify website?
First Go to the following link

You will see the above page.
Then click on Gatsby site starter and another window will open that will ask you to login in with using your GitHub account. Just follow the process.
After than a window will open where you will see several options.
There will be a space for repository name you can name whatever you like and then click save deploy.

After that, the following screen will open where you can see that you site is still deploying. It usually takes 2-3 minutes.
Until then go to Domain settings option

You will see site name option there. Click edit site name and add whatever name you want for your website. This will be your main sub-domain.
Now the next big thing is to contact your custom domain with the netlify.
On your Netlify overview part if you go to getting started section you will “Setup custom domain” option. Just click on it and a new screen will open.
There will an empty tab to add your custom domain just write down your domain name and click on verify. After some instants you will see option depending on the scenario if you have bought the domain already or not. If you have not bought that domain already. It will give you an option to buy that domain and if you have the domain already you to click “yes it’s my domain”.
Now a new screen will open if you click “Yes it’s my domain”.
Then go to domain management section and then sub section Domain.

Click on options in front of your domain and click set up Netlify DNS.
After than a new window will open for the verification of your domain Name. You have added name-servers in your domain management Dashboard and the domain will get verified.
How to manage your website and edit or upload post on Netlify?
For this you have to the main page and then to identity tab.
There you will your email address. You have assigned it a role. After you have assigned a role, for example I have assign the role name admin.
Just type the in the search bar of your search browser www.[your-domain-namae].com/admin
And you will get login into the web management dashboard of your website.

You can post new blogs or add new pages from there.
If you have good programming skills. You should go for netlify. Because netlify has an awesome great speed but if you don’t know programming then it will be a big deal for you using netlify but there is a good news for non-programming person that there a some custom themes for netlify also available in the market but configuring them will be quite difficult for you.