Want to choose a good blogging platform? But cannot decide to choose WordPress Or Blogger as your blogging platform? In this post, I am going tell you some features of the blogger and some of WordPress.
Blogger and WordPress are one of the most popular platforms for bloggers to start their blogging career and start writing and share their knowledge with the world.
But choosing one is one of the difficult and confusing for every new blogger who wants to start a blog.
Which Platform You Can Choose : WordPress Vs Blogger ?
WordPress: Founded by Matt Mullenweg and now 28% internet user using WordPress as their blogging platform and including me too :). It is one of the best blogging platforms for newcomers.
Blogger: developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. Blogger is also one of the popular blogger platforms who just want to start a simple blog and want to start writing.
Why and why not Blogger?
Blogger is no doubt one of good blogging platform for new bloggers who just want to start blogging and start only writing.

If you don’t want to get into a technical stuff and just want an easy platform to start a blogging journey and just want to write then blogger is yours.
As a Google product its also a free platform so you don’t need to spend your money and you don’t need to buy anything you just need to visit blogger.com site make a google account put title and description and start your blog.
Blogger provides you a blog with its subdomain domain like blogspot.com but in case you need to attach your custom domain, you can buy a domain from a company like Bluehost to buy in just (10$pr year) domain and attach it your blog.
You can find many tutorials on google to attach your domain to your blogger blog.
But in blogger, you ‘ll feel so many limitations like you need to learn some basic HTML to make your custom theme and to do customizations.
Blogger blog is owned by Google means your blog is not in your hand if you broke any of blogger rules they can delete your blog without any notice. Your all hard work can delete in just seconds and you can’t recover it.
I recommended blogger platform only to them who just want a free platform to start blogging and just want to write. Who not want to get serious about blogging.
Why WordPress and why not?
They are two types of WordPress platform one is free like blogger platform the and other is paid means self-hosted. The free one is wordpress.com and self-hosted is wordpress.org.

In this post, I am talking about WordPress.org a self-hosted platform. WordPress power more than 28% of blogs on the internet and used by many top sites.
Many experts recommend WordPress for new bloggers because it’s super easy. Even Google Head of spam is using WordPress for his personal blog.
Here in this video Mat cuts from the head of Google spam talking about WordPress Vs Blogger.
WordPress is super optimized for search engines and if you install this particular plugin for your WordPress blog then SEO for you becomes more easy and customizable.
In WordPress, you do not need any technical skill like HTML or other because here in WordPress plugins come to rescue us you can download and install any plugin for any task from WordPress repository.
WordPress themes are also professional and good looking for blogs. There are many free themes you can choose for your blog from WordPress repository or if you want then I recommended you to visit Studiopress to buy one.
As a self-hosted only you are the person who can shut down your blog no one can delete and remove your blog.
The only downside of WordPress is that its little bit costly and take more time to set up properly. Costly means its a self-hosted blog and you need a buy a good hosting to host your WordPress blog.
Here are some of the good hosting I can recommend
Once you buy hosting you need to setup your WordPress blog. You need to read this guide on how you can setup and start a WordPress blog. I write all steps which ll help you.
As an open source project, hackers mostly target WordPress blog but you can apply some security tweaks from this WordPress security guide to make your WordPress blog more secure but don’t worry WordPress team working hard to make WordPress more secure and awesome.
Also time by time they are releasing awesome updates to make WordPress more beautiful and easy to use for starters.
In upcoming months they are going to release one of the cores and the most important update called Gutenberg with this you will get awesome new features to edit your post.
If you face any problem then there is an awesome WordPress community for help you just need to post your question and wait for some time so experts will contact you.
Final Words:
That’s it in WordPress vs blogger post. If you really want to start a professional blog then WordPress is your true platform and if you just want to start a simple blog where you just want to write than blogger is yours.
I am not against a blogger on other platforms these are just my personal thoughts which I want to share.
Good Luck.